The development vision of our school is to become a “National University of Excellence in Industry,” serving as a cradle for cultivating industry talent and a hub for technological research and development. We aim to nurture high-quality individuals who possess both virtue and expertise, with “professional competence, cultural literacy, social responsibility, and a global perspective.”
Nourish “Professional Competence”
By enhancing students’ proficiency in both foreign and Chinese languages, they will be able to apply these skills in everyday life and across diverse fields of knowledge.
Cultivate “Cultural Literacy”
By training students’ foreign and Chinese language skills, they will be able to understand, respect and appreciate different cultures.
Consolidate “Social Responsibility”
By training students both foreign and Chinese language ability, they are expected to be able to communicate with foreigners and engage with global issues.
Expand “Global Perspective”
By providing opportunities for students to get involved in foreign and Chinese language-related event, they will be encouraged to engage in worldwide events and understand global trends.